BNN Stats: Active Career Pitching Leaders
Monday, October 10th , 2005
Which active pitchers are leading the South Atlantic League in career fielding independent pitching (FIP)?
Drew Dickinson, GrBr, 3.26 Jarrad Lavergne, AsTo, 3.30 William Juarez, ScRe, 3.37 J.T. Thomas, LaTi, 3.42 Justin Jones, GrBr, 3.59
BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, October 3rd , 2005
Who holds the single season record in the South Atlantic League for isolated power (ISO)?
Joe Mather, CaBo, .3406, 2005 Erik Lis, LaJe, .3013, 2005 Elijah Dukes, LaJe, .2912, 2005 Mark Jurich, ClLu, .2801, 2005 Jose Lobaton, LaJe, .2729, 2005
BNN Stats: Active Career Pitching Leaders
Monday, September 26th , 2005
Which active pitchers are leading the South Atlantic League in career K/BB?
Quinton Robertson, HiCr, 3.2 Chance Douglass, AsTo, 3.2 Tetsuya Yamaguchi, AsTo, 2.9 J.T. Thomas, LaTi, 2.9 Jarrad Lavergne, AsTo, 2.8