a - A. Mejía pinch hit for G. Quarles in the 7th
b - L. Marino pinch hit for L. Machado in the 7th
c - R. Brown pinch hit for A. de Wijs in the 7th
d - V. Harris substituted for A. Mejía in the 7th
e - T. Honda pinch hit for T. Clark in the 8th
f - M. Haley pinch hit for J. Muñíz in the 8th
g - T. Burton substituted for T. Honda in the 8th
h - J. Bradley pinch hit for D. Clark in the 9th
i - G. Ramos pinch hit for T. Burton in the 9th
j - P. Gilbert substituted for J. Bradley in the 9th
k - H. Cummings substituted for G. Ramos in the 9th
J. Muñíz
(4, 5th Inning off C. Colón, 0 on, 0 outs)
M. Haley
(1, 8th Inning off Á. Vásquez, 1 on, 1 out)
J. Bradley
(1, 9th Inning off Á. Vásquez, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
C. Riddle
(4, 2nd Inning off C. Colón, 1 on, 0 outs)
J. Muñíz
(9, 7th Inning off R. Ratzlaff, 1 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Muñíz
M. Haley
G. Quarles
L. Marino
D. Clark
J. Bradley
R. Brown
C. Riddle
T. Clark
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
L. Marino
C. Riddle
A. de Wijs
R. Sterling
Sac Fly:
L. Machado
Hit by Pitch:
J. Muñíz
Team LOB:
G. Quarles
P. Gilbert
Double Plays:
2 (Clark-Canseco-de Wijs, Clark-Canseco-Brown)
a - T. García substituted for B. Bussey in the 7th
b - B. Myers pinch hit for S. Welsh in the 7th
c - J. Becerra pinch hit for B. Ashley in the 7th
d - M. González pinch hit for B. Willis in the 7th
e - L. Segers substituted for J. Becerra in the 8th
f - N. van Hees substituted for M. González in the 8th
g - Á. Cruz pinch hit for E. Blanco in the 8th
h - H. Fonkert pinch hit for T. García in the 8th
i - M. Thomas pinch hit for O. Luna in the 8th
j - T. Pak substituted for Á. Cruz in the 9th
k - G. Acervedo substituted for H. Fonkert in the 9th
l - A. Wright substituted for M. Thomas in the 9th
m - E. Cismeros pinch hit for T. Pak in the 9th
n - P. Morán pinch hit for J. Willis in the 9th
o - N. Greene pinch hit for G. Acervedo in the 9th
p - J. Rush pinch hit for B. Myers in the 9th
M. Thomas
(1, 8th Inning off J. Rodríguez, 0 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
L. Segers
(3, 8th Inning off R. Ayala, 2 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
M. Ota
E. McGuire
B. Myers
J. Becerra
L. Segers
O. Luna
M. Thomas
E. Cismeros
H. Fonkert
2-out RBI:
E. McGuire
B. Myers
L. Segers
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Rush
B. Ashley
M. González
N. van Hees
O. Luna
B. Willis
Sac Fly:
E. McGuire
Team LOB:
M. Ota
E. Blanco
B. Bussey
Double Plays:
2 (Blanco-Bussey-Willis, Acervedo-Pak-van Hees)